Easterly winds bring new arrivals

A change in wind direction has opened the flood gates for birds arriving in the UK from the Continent, including our first White-fronted Geese of the season

A change in the wind direction to easterlies has opened the flood gates for birds arriving in the UK from the Continent, including our first White-fronted Geese of the year. We're also seeing a steady passage of Redwing overhead all day, with small flocks heading south giving their distinctive 'tseep' call.

Estuary Tower
Our first six White-fronted Geese of the year were on the Dumbles this morning, before flying off towards the river. Later two birds were seen here again, associating with the flock of Greylag here which also includes the Snow Goose. Early morning saw two Great Egret leave their roost and fly north over the reserve.

South Lake
Two Avocet and 96 Black-tailed Godwit were with the Lapwing flock on the wader scrape this morning. Duck on the deep lake included seven Wigeon, 108 Shoveler, 11 Gadwall, 15 Tufted Duck and ten Pochard. Also here are eight Cormorant and a Great Black-backed Gull. An excavator is continuing work down at the duck marsh, south of the Hogarth Hide.

Zeiss Hide
Another four White-fronted Geese here this morning, this time a pair with two juveniles, so at least ten on the reserve so far this morning. A Marsh Harrier was quartering the reedbeds here too.

Middle Point
The flock of 21 Cranes were on the estuary this morning, with hundreds of Golden Plover arriving overhead. These birds arrive on the reserve between 8am and 9am to roost for the day before heading back to the Cotswolds at night to feed. Duck on river included 42 Pintail, a single Teal and seven Wigeon. Curlew were the only waders seen, the low height high tides isn't wetting the mud enough so any other waders are likely staying in the northern section of the estuary. At least eight Little Egret and five Grey Heron were noted.

Rushy Hide
Eight Shelduck, 65 Teal and singles of Avocet, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and Shoveler were here this morning.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A noticeable arrival of Wigeon overnight with 108 now on the Tack Piece. Also here were four Spotted Redshank, 75 Black-tailed Godwit, two Redshank, a Ruff, three Shoveler, three Pintail and 56 Teal.

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