Egrets and Marsh Harriers

This week we have had two marsh harrier sightings and this Sunday the Reserve Team will begins their autumn/winter monthly harrier surveys for 24/25.

We do spot a marsh harrier all year around at WWT Arundel leading to our suspicion that a pair may nest in our Lost Reedbed section (the wild, far corner of the reserve). This week we have had two marsh harrier sightings and this Sunday the Reserve Team will begins their autumn/winter monthly harrier survey, and share results with the Hawk and Owl Trust.

Save the date: we are open an extra hour on Wed 6 Nov and Sat 9 Nov for the Evening Roost. Last admission is 4:30 pm site closes at 5.30 pm. For details click here. Pic above is a marsh harrier perching in late afternoon last November, taken by media volunteer Andy Burns.

The ecosystem at WWT Arundel must be healthy at the moment supporting 3-4 great white egrets, herons, cormorants at the moment with marsh harriers now coming in for the roost. |True the Marsh Harriers have the wider river valley to hunt in as they take prey from the ground -mostly small mammals, birds, insects and reptiles.

Great white egrets are still showing well and one is still in breeding plumage. Cattle egret chicks are visible from time to time with a few venturing down to the islands.

A kingfisher is making appearances at the Ramsar and Scrape hides.

Kingfisher Alec Pelling Oct 14 2024 AR 966x635.jpg

Kingfisher in flight, by Alec Pelling on Mon 14 Oct.

(These sightings are not a comprehensive list of all wildlife onsite on the day. Rather they are from morning counts by our Reserve Team at listed hides or areas in a10-15 minute period. )

Wed Oct 16

Large Lagoon: 3 teal, 8 cattle egrets, 78 Canada geese,

Lapwing hide: 1 great white egret adult

Scrape hide: 1 great white egret in breeding plumage, 3 shoveler, 5 gadwall, 27 mallards, 1 water rail, 1 kingfisher, 2 Canada geese, 1 coot

Woodland loop: 1 redwing, 1 coat tit

Tues 15 Oct

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: 3 great white egrets 1 in breeding plumage, 1 mite swan, 4 cormorants, 43 mallards, 14 teal, 1 kingfisher, 4 Egyptian geese, 7 cattle egrets, `1 tufted duck, 6 lapwing, 13 shoveler, 1 little egret, 2 coots, 2 moorhens, 3 wood pigeons, 1 marsh harrier scared all the birds, 1 water rail.

Mon 14 Oct

Large lagoon: 8 cattle egrets, 4 great white egret 1 in breeding plumage, 1 little egret, 1 kingfisher, 9 teal, 5 shovelers,

Wet Grassland: 1 coot, 4 mallards, 2 blue tits, 1 black bird, 1 wren, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 1 marsh harrier male, 1 water rail,

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 2 pochards.

cattle egret fledgling Oct 14 AP 966x635.jpg

Cattle egret fledgling down on the islands, from Alec Pelling on Oct 14

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