Egyptian Geese

A surprise among the Pink-footed Geese today were a pair of Egyptian Geese, not much chance of being wild birds as this is an introduced African species.

One of two Egyptian Geese among the thousands of Pinkfeet (Tony Disley)

Good visible migration overhead this morning with plenty of Skylark, a few Chaffinch, 1 Brambling, Redpoll, 4 Siskin, a few Meadow Pipit, Reed Buntings and Woodpigeon on the move.

At least 2 Cetti's Warblers on the Reedbed Walk, also 4+ Bullfinch, Jay and Water Rail heard calling.

Several Goldcrest around the reserve and a few migrant Song Thrush.

A pair of Stonechat were out ion the fencelines from UU Hide

A Little Grebe was a rare visitor to the Mere this afternoon.

Kingfisher was seen from the UU Hide

A Merlin was seen early morning on the Reedbed Walk and the usual Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were seen on the reserve throughout the day.

No sign of the Long-billed Dowitcher today as it seems to have found another Long-billed Dowitcher and both were at Banks Marsh this afternoon. Hopefully we may get the two of them visiting the reserve in the coming days, here's hoping!

For any information on whats about, where to see species on site, or to report your sightings please call in to the In Focus shop

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