Emerging toadlets

Watch your feet! During warm, damp weather at this time of year tiny toadlets emerge from the ponds at WWT Arundel and onto the pathways to begin life outside the water. Toadlets are the same colour as the dirt, asphalt and pavement they are on, so we're asking visitors to keep an eye out when walking to the entrance from the car park.

Many of these toadlets are offspring of the toads helped across Mill road by WWT Arundel staff and volunteers during toad migration season. Mill Road in front of the centre is an active toad crossing point, listed with the Department of Transport on the registry of amphibian crossing points. There is a major influx of toads returning to the safety of the ponds of the wetland reserve in early spring every year, with the toads on the move anytime from late January to early March.

Toads travel at night to avoid being eaten by crows and other predators. In damp, mild weather toads will travel up to three miles to return to breed in the waters where they were spawned. Common toads are recognised as being of priority importance for the conservation of biodiversity under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.

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