Essential tree works taking place

We have essential tree surgery taking place on site from Monday 11 March for a few days.

This will involve the removal of some dangerous trees and the pollarding or coppicing of others.

We will try to keep disruption to an absolute minimum but apologise for any inconvenience that may be inadvertently caused.

Pollarding and coppicing are tree conservation processes that can look brutal as they involve cutting the tree sometimes down to the ground (leaving the roots). However, they actually encourage stronger regrowth in a tree that has become too 'leggy' or thin and can eventually produce amazing colours and knots, particularly with the likes of hazel.

We have also just ordered 2,000 new saplings of native species - including birch, crab apple, oak, guelder rose and Scots pine - to be planted around site. Tree-tastic! :-)

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