Exstensive floods at last

Lots of rain over the past 48 hours have created lots of flooding around the reserve and the birds have responded well with increased numbers. A really great time to visit.

Holden and Tack Piece

Jack Snipe with 5 common Snipe showing well at the Martin Smith Hide, Twite with around 80 Linnet seen on the edges of the Holden Scrape. An impressive 1700 Wigeon packing the Tack Piece with 1700 Lapwing, 80 Golden Plover, 148 Curlew, 90 Dunlin, 22 Redshank, 4 Ruff and the odd Black Tailed Godwit making for a very busy scene. The pair of Peregrine's were very active stirring up the vast wader flocks. Over 80 Pochard were sheltering on the Long Ground Pool to south of Holden

Zeiss Hide and South Finger

Similar story to the Holden Tower with 600 Wigeon, over 3000 Lapwing, 220 Dunlin, 255 Golden Plover, 15 Ruff, 12 Snipe and an oystercatcher. Buzzard, Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Crane to round it off.

South Lake

Lapwing 480, Black Tailed Godwit 33, Dunlin 1, Oystercatcher 3 and an increase to 5 Avocet. Twelve Cormorants and an adult Great Crested Grebe on the main lake.

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