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First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks of the year are out and about. Two on Woodend Marsh this morning and 2 along the back of the Mere.

Around 70 Black-tailed Godwit out on Woodend. Also there Dunlin, 10+ Avocet, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Lapwings, and Redshank. Common Sandpiper, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, 20+ Avocet on the Mere.

As we draw to the end of the month, we enter a period where Red-necked Phalarope can drop in on there Northward migration. Martin Mere has one of the best track records of this species in the North West.

Six Common Tern around the Mere.

At least 50 Swift feeding over the Reed Bed this morning and many House Martin. Cuckoo on the Reed Bed. Also on the Reed Bed a Little Grebe with chick.

Cetti’s Warbler singing off the nature trail in the grounds between Gladstone and Janet Kear. Lots of Skylarks out on the reserve, 5 Whooper Swan visiting the reserve (two with darvic rings) around Vinsons’s and Sunley’s.

Male Bullfinch near the Harrier Hide this morning.

Another bull calf born yesterday bringing our total to 15 (6 males, 9 females).

A Butterfly survey yesterday produced Brimstone, Common Blue, Green-Veined White, Orange Tip, Peacock, Small Copper, Small White, Wall and Speckled Wood.

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