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First avocet chicks

Are first avocet chicks hatched this week, so far we have 5 broods on the mere and many more to hatch over the next few days. 6 lapwing chicks have fledged so far and they are currently in front of the Gordon Taylor hide. We have a flock of 86 black-tailed godwits in front of the Ron Barker hide, the flock is increasing everyday, they are very orange and wickering often (the song they make).

There are lots of wildflowers out on the reserve and in the grounds (captive collection). There are bee orchids at harrier hide, early purple orchids in the oriental area and on the reserve. Ragged robin in WOW (Weird or wonderful) photo above. Cuckoo flower is still out. Lots of yellow rattle and meadow sweet.

This week's butterfly survey we saw green-veined whites, large whites, peacocks, red admirals, wall, brimstone, orange tip and small tortoiseshells. We have been putting out the moth trap, which is a very bright light bulb that attracts moths on and we provide egg boxes nearby for the moths to hide in overnight, in the morning we inspect the egg boxes and record what moths we see and then let them go. This week we recorded lots including large elephant hawk moths, white ermine, burnished brass, flame shoulder, common wainscot, cinnabar moth, heart and dart and setaceous hebrew character.

Along the ditches the dragonflies and damselflies are out in large numbers including large red damselfly, common blue damselfly, azure damselfly, blue tailed damselfly four spotted chasers and banded damoiselles.

The grounds, the nature reserve and all hides and paths are closed at WWT Martin Mere, following government guidance on Covid-19. A small team of essential staff is working on site looking after the animals and completing essential tasks on the reserve. Please do not attempt to visit the site as you will be putting our staff and yourself at risk.
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