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First goslings at Slimbridge signal start of spring


Picture of mum and goslings by James Lees
Picture of mum and goslings by James Lees

These fluffy goslings are one of many signs that spring has arrived at WWT Slimbridge.

The pair of young Hawaiian Geese (or nenes) are only three-days-old so are sticking close to mum as they grow in strength and confidence. They are the first goslings to hatch in the grounds this year so they are attracting a lot of attention from visitors.

Phoebe Young, aviculture warden, said: “The youngsters are one of many signs at Slimbridge that spring is on its way. At the moment the goslings are very young so they are staying alongside their proud mum and the dad is also very attentive. The next few weeks are an exciting time to visit, watch out for youngsters like these or for courtship behaviour of the flamingos.”

As well as looking for baby birds, visitors to WWT Slimbridge will be trying to spot large wooden eggs on a special Easter trail through the grounds in April during the school holidays.

The attraction is also running a special ‘Early Bird’ promotion for families giving kids free entry if they arrive before 11am from April 5 to 17. For details go to

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