First Pink-footed Geese
Autumn is here! Yes I think we have been saying it's autumn for weeks now during the excellent wader passage but with today's arrival of 2 flying Pink-footed Geese it's official. Found with feral Greylag (400+) on the Mere late afternoon it's quite possible that these birds haven't flown in from Iceland. Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese do get seen in the area before 100's/1000's arrive when conditions are right in mid September. It's worth noting that a few Pink-footed Geese (and Whooper Swan) have over summered on the reserve but these birds have damaged wings and can't fly.
At least 220 Teal present around the reserve.
Waders included 600 Lapwing, 50+ Snipe, 10 Ruff, 18 Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper.
See previous reports for a fuller picture.