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First Pink-footed Geese

Autumn is here! Yes I think we have been saying it's autumn for weeks now during the excellent wader passage but  with today's arrival of 2 flying Pink-footed Geese it's official. Found with feral Greylag (400+) on the Mere late afternoon it's quite possible that these birds haven't flown in from Iceland. Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese do get seen in the area before 100's/1000's arrive when conditions are right in mid September. It's worth noting that a few Pink-footed Geese (and Whooper Swan) have over summered on the reserve but these birds have damaged wings and can't fly.

Silhouetted Pink-footed Goose on the Mere.

At least 220 Teal present around the reserve.

Waders included 600 Lapwing, 50+ Snipe, 10 Ruff, 18 Black-tailed Godwit and Common Sandpiper.

See previous reports for a fuller picture.

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