First Pintail of Autumn

Still no sign of the Dowitcher but the first 2 Pintail of the Autumn and a few other new sightings, all photos by Tony Disley

The first returning Pintail flew over the Mere in the afternoon and our resident female was again on the Mere with it's drooping injured wing. Other new sightings today included a flock of 7 Avocets on Vinson's from Ron Barker Hide this morning. Also 2 juvenile Little Ringed Plovers were out on Woodend Marsh from UU Hide along with 4 Greenshank and 2 Green Sandpiper as well as good numbers of Black-tailed Godwits and 200+ Snipe around the reserve and 24+ Ruff.

The Willow Tit was again visiting the feeders at Janet Kear Hide, 2 Kingfisher were showing well at Ron Barker and at least 2 juv Marsh Harriers from here and some lucky people had good views of 2 Otters in the Kingfisher ditch in front of the Hide this afternoon.

A couple of Goldcrest were near Gladstone Hide this morning and a few Chiffchaff near here as well as several Blackcap by UU Hide. Long-tailed Tits were seen in the collection area and a pair of Bullfinch were heard calling.

An adult Little Grebe was on the Mere all day, Sand Martin, Swallow and House Martins were all seen.

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