First Whooper Swan groups and Pink-footed Geese

True to form the weather for Iceland and the North Atlantic provided good condition for an exodus of Pink-footed Geese and the seasons first groups of Whooper Swan. At the time of writing 23 Whooper and c.6000 Pink-footed Geese had arrived although some of the later may have been present in the area. Two Barnacle Geese were seen with the Pinks.

The stained heads are a good sign that these birds are fresh in.

Windy conditions make for more difficult viewing with many birds keeping tucked in and saving energy. A female/imm Garganey was seen with Teal (c.1500) on Sunday and may still be present. Shelduck numbers have increased to 25, 100+ Wigeon, 30+ Shoveler, 15+ Pintail, 600+ Mallard, 40+ Gadwall and 2 Pochard.

Raptors included 6 Buzzard, 3+ Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Waders; 800+ Lapwing, 60+ Ruff, 30+ Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin and yesterday Greenshank.

Little Gull again late on with 600+ Black-headed Gull, a few LBBGs and 2 GBBGs.

Little Gull - a study in monochrome

Tree Sparrows are active around the Kingfisher Hide feeders. Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide. Cetti's Warbler and Water Rails calling on the Reed Bed Walk.

Possible Yellow-browed Warbler heard by seperate observers over the weekend but never fully confirmed or seen.

For a full list of species on the reserve and up to date information of whats about and the best spots to see them call in at the in focus shop. Also don't forget to pop in with any sightings you have seen.


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