Follow that Goose !

Not much bird news over the last couple of days, other than a "small group" of Bramblings on the feeder in front of the Janet Kear hide early yesterday morning. However, they were not seen later in the day. Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, and Common Buzzard continue to be seen daily, as do about 50 Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and the usual range of wildfowl, which today included Pochard, Tufted Duck, Goldeneye, Shoveller, Teal, Pintail and Shelduck.

The main story of the day however was the capture of a group of Pink-footed Geese this morning on Top Mere. 33 birds were caught and had numbered neck collars fitted. This collars can be read with binoculars or telescopes in the field, allowing birders to keep track of their movements. 9 of these birds (all females) were also fitted with GPS transmitters, allowing much more accurate monitoring. A web page will be set up soon to allow everyone to follow them - the URL will be posted on this page as soon as it becomes available.

One of the GPS fitted Pink-foots.
One of the GPS fitted Pink-foots. (Photo courtesy of Giulliana Sinclair)

A little more bird news just received from the Ron Barker hide, where the Green-winged Teal has been present once again this afternoon, as well as at least one Kingfisher.

Don't forget to pop into the In Focus shop for the very latest bird news on your way out to the hides, and again on the way back so we can pass on news of what you've been seeing to others.

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