Friday 20th July


Avocet 2 ad and broods of 3,2 and 3 fledged young.
Green Sandpiper 1
Shelduck 22 young
Lapwing 2
Tufted broods 3, 2 and 2
Oystercatcher 1

Holden Tower and Walkway

Avocet 1
Green Sandpiper 2
Lapwing 7
Peregrine 1
Buzzard 1
Reed Warblers especially from Knot hide.
Yellow Wagtail 3 at least with cattle on Dumbles

South Lake

Oystercatcher 2
Redshank 13
Ruff 3
Black Tailed Godwit 6
Lapwing 5
Tufted Duck broods of 3 and 1
Great Crested Grebe 2 ad 1 juv
Crane 2 adults in tall vegetation.
Gadwall 6
Teal 10

Zeiss Hide

Common Sandpiper 2
Lapwing 139
Dunlin 12
Redshank 9
Black Tailed Godwit 143
Ruff 7 males 2 females.
Avocet 19
Snipe 1
Cettis 1
Reed Warbler 6 very active close to hide.

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