Get more out of your garden with WWT London Wetland Centre

Marsh Marigolds - Ross Paxton
Marsh Marigolds - Ross Paxton

WWT London Wetland Centre’s Garden weekend, part of the WWT Festival of Gardening for Wildlife, offers both budding and keen gardeners the chance to find out how to make the most of their own garden.

Managing the 105 acres at WWT London Wetland Centre is ‘gardening’ on a grand scale, but you'll find plenty of inspiration there which you can adapt for use in your own green space.

Join a WWT warden for a pond planting demonstration to discover native plants that help to create a beautiful natural pond. He will explain the simple construction and planting of your pond with handy tips on what, when and how to plant.

Or go on a Spring Plant Walk to discover how to identify some of the key plants that grow in and around water, from alder trees, to the early springtime plants such as marsh marigold, blackthorn and willow that can add swathes of colour to the reserve.

Meet a willow weaver as she shows you how to create garden supports for flowers and vegetables from this wonderful natural material. She will have a number of example willow items to hand and will be happy to answer your questions on this ancient wetland craft.

Book your place on a tree walk: join an arboreal enthusiast to learn how to identify trees by their shape, structure and bark. Learn more about their history and how they have been used by people for centuries.

If you prefer to enjoy the fruits of other people’s gardening efforts, simply take time out to stroll among the gardens at London Wetland Centre. Enjoy the swathes of colour in the RBC Rain Garden or watch the insects buzzing over the wildlife garden.

And younger visitors can join in this gardening celebration with a fun range of activities.  Plant a seed in your own homemade flower pot, create a bug hotel and find out more about garden wildlife.

WWT London Wetland Centre’s plant expert, Alwyn Craven, said
“This is a chance to find out more about the trees and other plants that we have grown here to attract a variety of wildlife. We hope that you will feel inspired to take some ideas away with you to try out in your own garden.”

Find out more about our Gardening for Wildlife weekend

WWT's Festival of Gardening is sponsored by NFU Mutual.

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