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Glossy Ibis showing well

The Glossy Ibis has now been with us for several days and continues to show very well

The Glossy Ibis has now been with us for several days and continues to show very well in the roadside fields between the WWT car park and the canal, often around the cattle barns. The bird is roosting on the reserve near the Estuary Tower with a flock of up to ten Cattle Egret, plus several Little Egret and Great Egret.

The great photo above is one of many we've received on Twitter. This was taken by volunteer Pete Stamper. You can see his tweet here.

South Lake
The drake (male) Goldeneye flew off the Eider Pen this morning and dropped in on the South Lake from the Discovery Hide to join the female who was already there. The ten Cattle Egret dropped in for their usual pre-roost gathering just after 3pm. The Marsh Harrier also passed through several times during the day, and the Glossy Ibis was also seen in flight before settling back in the roadside fields.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A helicopter flew over the reserve and flushed the Tack Piece and surrounding fields giving brief views of the White-fronted Goose flock before they settled again in the fields to north of Tack Piece. On the Tack Piece this morning were thousands of duck and Lapwing, around 3000 Golden Plover, 445 Black-tailed Godwit, 58 Redshank, 389 Dunlin, 21 Ruff and eight Curlew.

Zeiss Hide
The Merlin was showing well again hunting over the Bottom New Piece and was for a short while perched on a fence post giving good views as it preened. The Top New Piece held 600+ Dunlin this morning, plus 1000+ Teal and a few hundred Wigeon.

Estuary Tower
Four Dark-bellied Brent Geese were on the riverbank this morning at high tide. The roost included 308 Curlew and 61 Great Black-backed Gulls with a few Wigeon and Pintail floating on the water. The Spoonbill was also seen over high tide, and the Ross's Goose was with the Barnacle Goose flock.

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