High Tide waders

Zeiss Hide

Good high tide this morning pushed lots of small waders into the Top New Piece. Among 45 Dunlin and 20 Ringed Plovers were 4 Curlew Sandpiper, 5 Ruff , 6 Black Tailed Godwit and single Knot and Little Stint. Teal numbers looked a little higher than yesterdays 620 and a Heron was watched swallowing a large Rudd.

South Lake

Continues to be great birding here with the scrape full of Teal and Shovelers. The Black Tailed Godwit flock numbered around 100, there were 5 Ruff 9 Redshank and excellent close up views of a Common Sandpiper. The Adult Great Crested Grebe was with a full grown youngster.


Just One Green Sandpiper was here with around 60 Teal and a handful of Shovelers. A Little Grebe was on the top pond and 4 or 6 Cranes flew over. A Grey Wagtail showed very well immediately in front of the Hide.

Holden Walkway and Hides.

Highlights were no less than 5 Whinchat on the weeds in the middle of the Tack piece. This area looks great for the winter, once topped and flooded it should provide a massive feeding opportunity for Teal. A Little Egret was in the Martin Smith pools, 2 Ruff from the Robbie Garnet where a Peregrine passed overhead. There was a lot of Warbler activity along the walkway with lots of tantalizing glimpses of warblers. Lots of Chiffchaff one or two Willow Warblers, Blackcap, some Reed Warblers at least one Garden Warbler and one Lesser Whitethroat.

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