Grasshopper Warbler

Very few reports recieved today but the first 2 Grasshopper Warblers of the year were heard and seen in the reedbed walk area today, also lots of Sedge and Reed Warbler in the area. At least 2 male Whitethroat singing and plenty of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap.

Grasshopper Warbler in the Reedbed walk area today (Lisa Morris)

Only the usual pair of Common Tern today after yesterdays influx, also 2 breeding plumage Dunlin on the Mere along with at least 1 Little Ringed Plover.

A 2nd cal year Marsh Harrier was seen and caused a commotion on the Mere as it sent the Black-headed Gulls into a frenzy!

A weasle was seen from the In Focus shop as it looked for food around the edge of the Mere in the morning.

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