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Great White Egrets

Another wild and windy weekend. Great to be typing this out on Monday morning in relatively light winds and full sunshine, almost feels like spring.

A record count of 3 Great White Egret on the reserve over the weekend with at least two present today.

The Tundra Bean Goose was seen flying reasonably strongly between fields yesterday, which is good news and just off the reserve a Todd's Canada Goose was seen with Pink-footed Geese.

No specific counts but the wildfowl numbers are dropping back.

At count of 44 Avocet is the highest so far this year, expecting this to rise as the week goes on.

An adult male Hen Harrier graced the reserve on Sunday, also present 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 4 Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Three Med Gull from the Ron Barker Hide this morning.

Willow Tit again from the Janet Kear Hide.

If you are visiting the reserve and would like to know what is being seen on the day or would like to report any sightings, call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide.

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