Green Winged Teal still

The Green-winged Teal was seen in the morning but no sign since from Ron Barker Hide. The female Brambling is still being seen on the bird table to the left of Kingfisher hide today. Also Water Rail still being seen occasionally in the ditch in front of Ron Barker.

Great time of year for mega sunsets (Andy Bunting)

A group of 8 Siskin were in the Alders by the Canoe Safari this afternoon, also a pair of Bullfinch in the hedgerow by the Sewage Works. Female Stonechat out on fence posts from Ron Barker.

At least 7 Marsh Harrier seen yesterday with at least 4 today, also juvenile Peregrine, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard.

Two Dunlin were in flight over the Mere with Ruff this morning. Still 2-3 Goldeneye on the Mere most days including a gorgeous male.

Excellent numbers of Herring Gulls using the Mere at the moment mainly in the afternoon after feeding in nearby fields, at least 350 were on the Mere yesterday afternoon with at least 800 - 1000 in the field at the end of Curlew Lane this morning with Whooper Swans

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