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Green woodpeckers & kingfishers

Kingfishers perched over the channels of the Wetland Discovery Boat Safari. Photo: Andrew Burns, WWT volunteer


Highlights from the hides at Arundel Wetland Centre last week.

Mon 3 September

Ramsar hide: Greylag goose,

Wildlife garden: 30+ house martins

Sand Martin hide: 5 sand martins, common sandpiper

Scrape hide: 25 gadwall ducks

Reedbed hide: 6 Swallows


Sunday 2 September

Ramsar hide: 30+ sand martins, kingfisher, little egret

Offham hangar: 2 buzzards, red kite

Scrape Hide: 5 gadwall, pied wagtail, 6 swallows, 30+ house martins.

Wildlife garden: 10+ house martins.


Friday 1 September

Lapwing hide: grey heron

Ramsar/Sand Martin hide: 15 gadwall, 20+ sand martins, common sandpiper.

Scrape hide: 40+ sand martins, 19 gadwall, mandarin duck, 2 pintails.

Reedbed hide: 6 swallows.


Thursday 31 August

Scrape hide: 10 teal, 30 gadwall, 2 swallows, 6 sand martins.

Reedbed hide: 6 swallows.

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 3 gadwall, tufted ducks.

Wetland Discovery channels: kingfishers.

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: gadwall, shoveler, 20+ sand martins.


Wednesday 30 August

Arun Riverlife lagoon: tufted ducks.

Wetland Discovery channels: kingfishers.

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 2 gadwall, common gull.

Scrape hide: 8 teal, 13 gadwall, 14 sand martins.

Reedbed hide: 6 swallows, kingfishers.

Long path (trees): tree creeper.


Tuesday 29 August

Scrape hide: grey heron, 2 gadwall, teal, kingfisher.

Sand martin hide: kingfisher, 7 gadwall, 30+ sand martins.

Sussex Screen: 5 teal, 1 bullfinch.

Reedbed: water rail, grey wagtail.

Arun Riverlife lagoon: Kingfisher, shoveler.

Car park and pathways: back cap, chiff chaff, spotted flycatcher.


Green woodpecker hunting for insects in the grass near the Scrape hide. Photo: Andrew Burns, WWT volunteer
Green woodpecker hunting for insects in the grass near the Scrape hide. Photo: Andrew Burns, WWT volunteer





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