Grey Partridge and other birds

A brief summary of the past couple of days. Plenty of sun which obviously is a good thing apart from the 'heat haze', you can't please everyone!

No counts but an obvious and substantial drop off of wildfowl. A Bean Goose was reported (unusually) with Canada and Greylag late morning on Woodend Marsh but not seen subsequently. Definitely keep checking the geese flocks as stray eastern birds do get concentrated in the next few weeks as more Pink-footed Geese depart North.

At least 70+ Avocet on the reserve, plenty of Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Lapwing and a few Redshank. A Little Stint was reported late Sunday, an unusually early date for an inland bird, although a few Little Stint have wintered out on the Ribble.

For some the sighting of 2 Grey Partridge from the Ron Barker Hide was a highlight and Martin Mere tick. Birds are present around and occasionally on the reserve but are difficult to see.

Minimum 10 Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Excellent views of Barn Owl from the Kingfisher Hide in the afternoon.

Other sightings included 6 Little Egret and Tawny Owl.

If you are visiting Martin Mere for the first time and would like to know what is around and the best areas to see specific species do call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide which over looks the Mere. It should be possible to see over 60 species in a day without too much difficulty.

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