Growing up fast

Little Squeak at seven weeks old
Little Squeak at seven weeks old

Little Squeak, our Asian short-clawed otter cub, is growing up fast.

She was two months old on 22 July and is reaching her milestones well, with both her teeth and claws developing as expected.

She has also begun venturing outside of the holt most days, although her nervous parents Musa and Mimi tend to drag her back in when they think she’s had enough!

In the coming weeks we should start seeing more of her as she becomes fully weaned and they begin to teach her skills such as swimming.

Why not join us daily at 11.30am and 3pm for our commentated otter feeds and see her for yourself? (And in the meantime, here's a brief clip of her audibly living up to her noisy nickname before Musa unceremoniously pulls her indoors by her little ear!)

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