Happy news from the heronry

Grey heron chicks on a nest (N.B. a little older than our current ones!)
Grey heron chicks on a nest (N.B. a little older than our current ones!)

"Despite the weather-related setback to the grey heron colony earlier this year, it is great to see that the second nesting attempts have been a success and nine chicks from five different nests are now starting to show.

"Also on Wader Lake, at least one pair of avocet has started nesting and the eggs are due to hatch around 16 May.

"Today, I had a great view of a common buzzard being mobbed by five carrion crows as it flew low over site.

"Yesterday in Hollowood, ten crossbill, two goldcrest and one great-spotted woodpecker were a particular highlight."

By reserve manager John Gowland.

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