Harriers, kestrel and more raptors

A kestrel has been spotted all over the site - he has been perched up on the owl next box near Lapwing Hide sheltering from the rain last weekend. Plenty of birds of prey around now – red kites, peregrines, buzzards, sparrowhawk.

Harrier Count survey on Sunday showed five marsh harriers and a solo female hen harrier came into roost in the reedbeds. We also spotted a small flock of linnets, a yellow hammer, and half a dozen fieldfare. A male kestrel has been staying onsite for a couple of weeks now. He was using the owl nestbox to shelter from the rain during Storm Dennis. There are lots of other birds of prey around too like red kites, peregrines, buzzards and the odd sparrowhawk.

Recent morning sightings:

17 Feb

lapwing hide: 2 lapwing

16 Feb

Sand Martin hide: 150 lapwing

Reedbed hide: 9 linnet, 1 yellow hammer, 5 marsh harrier, 1 hen harrier

15 Feb

Ramsar hide: 1 cattle egret, 5 pochards,2 cackling geese, 1 little grebe.

Lapwing hide: 2 lapwing

Lakes & Frest: 1 tree creeper, 2 gold crests.

Arun Riverlife: 3 tufted ducks, 3 pochard.

14 Feb

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 1 lapwing

Wetland Discovery : 8 pochard

Ramsar/Sand martin hide: 10 snipe, 1 kingfisher, 27 lapwing, 8 pochard, 1 little grebe.

Scarpe hide: water rail.

Woodland Loop: 14 blue tits, 2 great tits, 2 chaffinch, 1 goldfinch

13 Feb: Wetland Discovery: 4 pochard

Lapwing hide: 4 lapwing, 1 kestrel

Ramsar/Sand Martin hide: 25 lapwing, 12 snipe, 3 pochard

13 Feb

Wetland discovery: 4 pochards

Lapwing hide: 4 lapwing, 1 kestrel

Ramsar hide: 25 lapwing, 12 snipe, 3 pochard

Reedbed: 3 mandarin ducks, 2 blue tits

12 Feb

Ramsar/ Sand Martin hide: 17 pochard, 5 snipe, 47 Lapwing, 1 little egret, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 2 shelducks, 8 teal, 4 shoveler, 7 gadwall, 1 kingfisher

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