Hen Harrier

The stand out bird of today was a male Hen Harrier that flew through the site at about 1.20, seen from Ron Barker Hide as it headed towards Windmill Farm area, it reappeared later and was showing till at least 4.30pm. This is our first record this winter of this formerly more common but much persecuted raptor.

On Thursday 1st March 3 Woodcock were flushed from the side of the path to Ron Barker Hide. Also on Friday a Scaup was seen from Harrier Hide.

Still up to 3 Goldeneye on Mere, also good photo opportunities with the Black-tailed Godwits from Discovery Hide at the moment with up to 40 birds and c80 Ruff. Also on Friday a Green Sandpiper was seen on the Mere.

Black-tailed Godwits colouring up (Andy Bunting)

Small groups of Fieldfare and smaller numbers of Redwings around the site, also the usual Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush and Blackbirds. Male Stonechat around the edge of the Mere.

Plenty of Wigeon, Pintail, Shelduck, Tufted Duck and Pochard on the Mere. Up to 2000 Pink-footed Geese dropped in the fields late afternoon. Around 200 Whooper Swans at the 3pm feed.

Late on Barn Owl out hunting. An adult Med Gull on the Mere also late afternoon.

Adult Med Gull this afternoon. Expect many more in the coming months.


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