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Hen Harrier

A ringtail Hen Harrier has been seen again this afternoon from Ron Barker Hide. Other sightings today include a Little Ringed Plover on the far side of the Mere which was also present yesterday. Good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit with at least 110 around the Mere as well as small numbers of Ruff, Redshank and plenty of Oystercatcher and a single Snipe.

A good count yesterday of at least 150 Shoveler in flight in several flocks over the reserve heading north, also a pair of Adult Mediterranean Gull yesterday on the Mere.

Plenty of Sand Martin and a few Swallow sightings today and yesterday. At least 80+ Fieldfare and small numbers of Redwing just off site feeding in fields along Marsh Moss Lane. Cetti's Warbler and Chiffchaff singing this morning on site. Still at least 35 Whooper Swan feeding on local fields and coming onto the Mere to wash and drink yesterday.


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