Hen Harrier again

Adult male Hen Harrier hunting over Ashtons/Plover Field

Great to see the adult male Hen Harrier staying for a second day, special birds indeed. Seven species of raptor today with 4 Marsh Harrier, male Merlin, Peregrine (juv male), 4+ Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

Also Mediterranean Gull again today and Barn Owl.

Hen Harrier, worth a pixel or two...

Here's a grainy Peregrine too!

Excellent mixed flock of finches and buntings on the very end of the Outer Reed Bed Walk containing at least 30 Corn Bunting.

If you are visiting Martin Mere for the first time and would like to know what is around and the best areas to see specific species do call in at the in focus shop, next to the Discovery Hide which over looks the Mere. It should be possible to see over 60 species in a day without too much difficulty.

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