Honey Buzzard & Temminck's

News of a female Honey Buzzard with a satellite tracker recorded over the reed bed trail from 20.00-20.30 yesterday evening! No more information at the moment, and unfortunately no sightings today.

A Temminck's Stint appeared on the Mere mid morning and stayed all day, still viewable at 17.16 although in awkward light, definitely one for the morning if it's still present.

Temminck's Stint on the Mere (T. Disley)

Also on the Mere today were a fantastic male Ruff in breeding plumage along with 2 females. Also the usual 3-4 Little Ringed Plover, several Avocet, Oystercatcher, Lapwing and Redshank. A single Ringed Plover was on Woodend Marsh.

Still 3 Common Tern around with a pair looking set to nest on Woodend Marsh and a single lonely male on and off on the Mere looking for a mate.

Two Yellow Wagtail were seen briefly by the Mere before flying towards Vinsons and Sunleys from Ron Barker Hide. Also a Barn Owl was out hunting this morning 08.45 and the Cuckoo's are still being heard at least if not occasionally seen.


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