It's not raining!
Best day weather wise for a few weeks. Unseasonably warm in the sun and a reasonably light southerly wind. The Green-winged Teal was seen out on Vinson's Marsh early on and then on the Mere late afternoon til dusk. Not easy to connect with this bird as the flocks are being flushed by raptors.
A single Barnacle Goose flew out with Pink-footed Geese early morning. Drake Goldeneye on the Mere and two females present over the weekend.
Raptors included 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 2 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. Two Tawny Owl tucked into the ivy covered trees on the Nature Trail. Call into the in focus shop for directions.
Waders included 800+ Lapwing and 50+ Ruff.
A bat sp. seen in flight mid afternoon and a Stoat swam across Sunley's Marsh followed Teal late afternoon.