January 2023 Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) and other observations

WeBS count and more

The cold foggy weather over the weekend continued into Monday, it's had an impact and may be responsible for the change in behaviour of our wintering birds somewhat. Much of the reserve (75%) or more is frozen over which has limited feeding and roosting options. Birds moving about the site on Saturday may well have become lost in the fog and ended up floating down channel, it may be that a roost site had been disturbed or they simply roosted on the Severn due to the calm conditions and drifted down overnight. Some Bewick's Swan returned through the morning period with 81 on site at 08.30hrs, 16 (12 and 4) were noted returning and 101 were counted from the Rushy Hide and Estuary Tower by 14:30hrs.

A number of the Slimbridge birds ended up off New Passage and Oldbury on Severn.

The waders have largely dispersed for now with Curlew and Dunlin the only species on any number, they should return later in the week if it thaws.

The WeBS Count totals follow

Cormorant 18
Little Egret 1
Great Egret 1
Crane 17
Mute Swan 131
Russian White-fronted Goose 137 (favouring Bottom New Piece, 121 today)
Greylag 378
Canada Goose 608
Barnacle Goose 38 (100+ today and the Ross's Goose returned )
Dark-bellied Brent Goose 1 adult (Dumbles today and Bottom New Piece yesterday)
Snow Goose 1
Mandarin 1
Shelduck 267
Wigeon 527
Gadwall 19
Teal 336
Mallard 674
Pintail 155
Shoveler 210
Pochard 81
Tufted Duck 379
Goldeneye (2 males with the collection birds)
Water Rail 6
Moorhen 48
Coot 48
Golden Plover 56
Grey Plover (four on the Dumbles edge today, two seen yesterday).
Lapwing 689
Curlew 335 (roosting on the Dumbles foreshore over high tide)
Black-tailed Godwit 5
Dunlin 814
Redshank 5
Jack Snipe 1 (in a field N at the end of reserve)
Snipe 70
Kingfisher 1
Little Grebe 2
Black-headed Gull 268
Lesser Black-backed Gull 23
Great Black-backed Gull 18
Herring Gull 20
Common Gull 738

The reserve recording area year list has increased

102. Rock Pipit (at least one seen and heard on the WeBS count).
103. Jack Snipe (one accidentally flushed during the survey in the north fields)
104. Great Crested Grebe (one floating downriver this morning, 23rd January).
105. Green Woodpecker (one about the Decoy/Car park this week).

We've noted a few species singing this week, a few Mistle and Song Thrushes, Dunnocks and Great Tits are piping up!

An Oystercatcher was on the Dumbles at high tide today with an immature Peregrine on the fence, a pair of Raven were wandering about as well. The Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrid returned to the Dumbles with the Barnacle Goose flock as well as the Ross's Goose. Two Canada X Barnacle Goose hybrids were among the Barnacle/Canada Goose flock, both Barnacle x Greylag hybrids were seen yesterday.

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