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June bat, dragonfly & moth surveys

An emporer dragonfly emerges to dry out in the photo above by Head Keeper Sam Halpin

Wildlife Surveys

Dragonfly survey June 11

Damselflies: Azure damselflies, blue-tailed damselfly, large red damselflies, common blue damselflies,

Dragonflies: broad-bodied chasers, hairy dragonflies

exuviae smaller.jpg
Dragonfly exuviae collected by the Grounds Team last week

Bat Survey June 3

soprano pipistrelle bats, common pipistrelle bats, Nathusius pippistrell bats, noctule bats, Daubenton’s bats and a brown long-eared bat.

Moth survey June 1

53 moths of 27 species, including brimstone, popular hawk moth, pale hassock, swallow prominent, scalloped hazel, Square-spot rustic, common carpet, flame shoulder, mother of pearl and white ermine.

Wildlife sightings

June 16

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 2 gadwall, 4 tufted duck, 1 kingfisher, 6 black-headed gulls

Lakes and forests exhibit: 2 Oyster catcher

Scrape hide: 15 mallard, 8 black-headed gull, 1 shelduck, tufted duck 11, 10 sandmartins, 1 dunnock, 1 reed bunting, 1 swallow, 4 sedge warblers, 1 chiffchaff, 2 wood pigeons, 1 moorhen, 1 coot, 2 gadwall

Send Martin hide: 1 shelduck, 11 tufted duck, 33 gadwall, 20 sandmartins

Ramsar hide: 2 tufted duck, 2 gadwall, and 1 tufted duck

Wetland discovery: 1 tufted duck, 2 lesser whitethroat

June 15

Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 64 gadwall, 19 tufted ducks, 2 mute Swans, 1 shoveler, 20 mallard, 1 moorhen, 6 coots, 1 Egyptian goose, 4 black-headed gulls, and 2 cackling geese.

June 11

Wood Loop: 5 chaffinches, 2 great tits, 3 blue tits, 2 moorhens, 2 goldfinches, 4 mallards, 1 blackbird,

Sand martin hide: 23 sand martins

Ramsar hide: 2 wigeon

June 10

Reedbed: 3 sedge warblers, 4 reed warblers, 3 reed buntings.

June 9

Arun Riverlife: 2 tufted duck

Coastal Creek Island: 2 oystercatcher

Reed swamp exhibit: 1 gadwall

Lakes and forests: 2 gadwall

Woodland Loop: 1 adult & 2 juvenile great tits.

Reedbed: Male reed bunting

Scrape hide: 15 male and 3 female and 7 mallard ducklings, 2 male shovele, 6 male tufted ducks, 8 black headed gull, 1 pochard , 1 adult mute swan with a cygnet, 1 male dunnock, 1 male chiffchaff singing, 1 male sedge warbler singing,

Send Martin hide: 20 male and 4 female gadwall, a pair of great crested grebes, 20 sand martins, 5 male tufted ducks.

Ramsar hide: 2 oystercatchers, 14 tufted duck, 1 partridge, 26 gadwall, 1 shelduck.

Wetland Discovery: 1 gadwall

Lapwing hide: 2 tufted ducks, 7 gadwall, 2 reed bunting, and 1 linnet.

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