Lapwings displaying and nest scraping

Regular sighting of lapwings from the Lapwing hide - likely some of the regular breeding pairs that spend spring and summer at Arundel.

Regular sighting of lapwings from the Lapwing hide - likely some of the regular breeding pairs that spend spring and summer at Arundel. These are displaying on milder days and were doing nest scraping on the drier days, in courting behaviour. The twenty plus lapwings spotted from Ramsar hide most days are likely to move off and settle in nesting areas outside the reserve.

Sightings by WWT wardens – not all areas of the site are recorded every day and not all wardens record their sightings. Common species are not noted here.

March 2
Arun Riverlife: 2 pochard, 2 lapwing.
Wetland Discovery: 6 pochards
Lapwing hide: 5 lapwing, 10 greylag geee, 8 Canada geese, 5 shelducks, 3 shoveler, 9 mallard, 2 teal
Ramsar hide: 11 snipe, 26 lapwing, 3 Mediterranean gulls

March 1
Ramsar hide: 17 lapwing, 2 pochards, 1 kingfisher
Wetland Discovery: great tit, wren, 14 tufted duck, 2 coots, 4 pochards, 2 gadwall
Arun Riverlife lagoon: red kite, 2 lapwing, 2 pochard.
Lapwing hide: 4 lapwing.

Feb 29
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 6 pochards, 2 lapwing
Lapwing hide: 2 lapwing
Ramsar hide: 7 lapwing, 3 pochard

Feb 28
Woodland Loop: 4 chaffinch, 1 nuthatch.
Lapwing hide: 1 lapwing
Wetlands Discovery: 1 barn owl
Ramsar/Sand Martin hides: 10 lapwing, 3 pochards
Scrape hide: 6 pochards
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 1 pochard, 3 lapwing, 1 kingfisher
Woodland Loop: 8 goldfinches, 6 great tits, 7 blue tits

Feb 27
Ramsar /Sand Martin hide: 2 lapwing
Lapwing hide: 4 lapwing

Feb 26
Arun Riverlife lagoon: 6 pochards, 2 lapwing.
Wetland Discovery: 5 pochards, 21 tufted ducks
Lapwing hide: 5 lapwing
Ramsar /Sand Martin hide: 22 lapwing, 4 little egret, 3 Egytian geese, 1 kingfisher.
Scrape hide: 2 pochard, 3 teal, 3 gadwall, 1 reed bunting
Reedbed: frog spawn

Feb 25
Ramsar/Sand Martin hide: 8 lapwing, 7 snipe, 2 oystercatchers, 8 shoveler, 2 pochard, 3 tufted ducks, 4 shelducks, 2 teal, 1 cormorant, 340 black-headed gulls mostly juveniles moving through, 34 common gulls, 6 gadwall
Wildlife Garden: 2 goldcrests.
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