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Sightings from the past few day.

Bird of the week has to go to a Green Woodpecker seen in flight near the Canoe Safari around midday Saturday. It is only the second confirmed record for the reserve.

More waders passing through the reserve, with a Whimbrel on Thursday and up to 250 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 adult Dunlin. With rain on Friday bringing an increase in Dunlin to at least 11 birds also at least 1 Ringed Plover among them and 9 Little Ringed Plover from Ron Barker Hide. Lapwing numbers building nicely with at least 200 birds, also an increase in Green Sandpipers with up to 4 birds from Kingfisher Hide and Hale Hide and still at least 3 Common Sandpiper around. The first Ruff for nearly a month were seen with two birds present. Curlew in flight distantly today.

Green Sandpiper from the Hale Hide. back of the camera shot. Rob Adderley
Green Sandpiper from the Hale Hide. Back of the camera shot from Rob Adderley

A female Teal was seen with 5 ducklings from Ron Barker Hide, a few more Shoveler appearing around the reserve at the moment, still also Pintail, Wigeon and Whooper Swan to be seen.

Still a few Little Egrets around at the moment with 2 from Harrier Hide, also 4 adult Common Tern.

A Barn Owl could be seen roosting in the barn opposite the Harrier Hide. Raptors included 3 Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and a probable (distant) Peregrine.

At least one Kingfisher from the Ron Barker Hide today.

Both Brown Hawker and Southern Hawkers can be seen at the moment on the reserve if you are lucky.





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