Latest Highlights

Fabulous few days as the winds from the east produce great viewing conditions here in the west. No shortage of Pink-footed Geese although no specific counts since Monday's 21,000. A single Greenland White-fronted Goose was in with the Pinks yesterday.

Autumn magic at Martin Mere
Autumn magic at Martin Mere

The Pectoral Sandpiper was again present yesterday but can go missing for sometime so may still be present. Best looked for from the United Utilities Hide out on Woodend Marsh. Other waders present include 300+ Lapwing, 50+ Snipe, 25 Ruff and 5 Black-tailed Godwit.

A Hobby was again present yesterday hunting over the Waterfowl Gardens. At least 3 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Buzzard, 3 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk today.

A single Great White Egret flew in early afternoon. An amazing flock of 9 Great Whites were seen along the coast today.

The first Fieldfare of the autumn was feeding by the Ron Barker Hide this afternoon. Quite a number of Song Thrush this morning in the Waterfowl Gardens undoubtably migrant birds.

Chiffchaff singing by the Sewage Works this morning and probably another 3 present in that area. So far no Yellow-brows...

As usual it should be possible to see at least 50 species of bird in a day without too much effort, although a telescope is very useful from most of the hides.

If you are visiting the reserve, pop in to the in focus shop (next to the Discovery Hide) where we have a full list of birds, and should be able to point you in the right direction to get the most out of your visit.


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