Latest Highlights

The classic autumn viewing at Martin Mere continues with new arrivals of Pink-footed Geese and wildfowl to scan through. The roost count from Monday morning produced just under 16000 Pink-footed Geese. The previous days European White-fronts indiciting new birds in. This time last year we had recorded Tundra Bean Geese on this date.

No big arrivals of Whooper Swan only a handful currently present. This coming weekend the pressure charts for Iceland may help bring a new influx. Overnight the Shelduck numbers have increased five fold to c.100 birds.

The view from the Kingfisher Hide is excellent but the hide is currently closed due to building work.
The view from the Kingfisher Hide is excellent but the hide is currently closed for a few days due to building work.

Another Yellow-browed Warbler has been seen assuming it isn't the same bird briefly seen on Sunday. This time the bird was initially heard near the Flamingo House before being seen later near WOW.  If you are visiting the reserve please report any of these sighting to the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide and we can pass them onto visitors.

Plenty of raptor action with 5 Common Buzzard, 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and 2 Kestrel.

Waders included 40+ Snipe with birds showing well from the Gladstone Hide. At least 600 Lapwing, 20+ Ruff and 10+ Black-tailed Godwit.

Kingfishers again from the Ron Barker Hide. Redwing passing over today and yesterday.

At least 5000 Starling in a mini murmuration from the Harrier Hide, which can be observered on the late opening on Weds/Sat till the end of the month.

The essential 2015 Lancashire Bird Report is now available £7 from in focus
The essential 2015 Lancashire Bird Report is now available £7 from in focus


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