Latest Sightings

This week's latest sightings include, but are not limited to:


  • Whooper Swan (569 in total on reserve)
  • Pink-footed Geese (2000 in total on reserve)
  • Pochard
  • Shelduck


  • Tree Sparrow
  • Chaffinch
  • Robin
  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit

Hale, Raines, Discovery, and Gladstone:

  • Whooper Swan
  • Pink-footed Goose
  • Pintail
  • Shelduck
  • Pochard
  • Ruff
  • Black-tailed Godwit
  • Greylag
  • Lapwing
  • Wigeon


  • Brambling
  • Willow Tit
  • Long-tailed Tit
  • Goldfinch
  • Greenfinch
  • Chaffinch
  • Robin
  • Blue Tit
  • Great Tit

United Utilities and Gordon-Taylor:

  • Teal
  • Whooper Swan
  • Pink-footed Goose
  • Shelduck
  • Marsh Harrier
  • Lapwing
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