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Latest Sightings

Despite the gloomy clouds, the reserve continues to flourish! We have some new Whooper swan arrivals that we have spotted during our ring reading surveys and some of our Black-tailed Godwits have started to show their breeding plumage. At Janet-Kear Hide the Brambling are back looking as beautiful as ever whilst the Tufted Duck continue to thrive at Harrier Hide. Currently, the Reserve Team are working on removing some of the willow from the reedbed in order to prepare for the breeding birds in March. They have also started to brush-cut some of the reeds to encourage breeding of Bearded Tits! How exciting! The Water rail and Cetti's Warbler are still heard calling in the reedbed and a Woodcock was seen on Wednesday amongst the reeds.

Feature Image: Brambling by Charlie Lowe

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