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Latest Sightings

Our Swan count is up this week, with around 679 swans gracing the Mere, Woodend Marsh, and Vinson's! We've also had some Oystercatcher arrive, making their count around 92, and we are up to 20 Avocets which is wonderful to see - both of these species can be seen at the back right of the main mere. There has been an increase in Black-tailed Godwit numbers and their breeding colours are coming through beautifully - they can be seen on the shore during swan feeds, picking up remaining grain. As always the Marsh Harriers are gracing the skies above the fields at the back of the main mere - there have been 4 up at once today, hunting for some food. Lastly, our Reserve team have been working with the Grounds team to take down some problem trees from the Canoe Safari, and will be working in the same area tomorrow to manage the reeds in preparation for summertime.

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