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Latest Sightings

This past weekend and glorious Monday, we've been greeted with some lovely indicators of spring time! Over the weekend we've had some new baby calves born from our amazing Long-horn Heifer mothers, all of whom seem to be doing very well. Another Osprey has been to visit us this past Saturday and one today - our photo this week is of a beautiful Osprey that visited us recently, taken by Bob Hurrell! In the reedbed, Watervole and Sedge Warbler were seen over the weekend and Avocet, Snipe, and Wheatear were seen at Ron-Barker.This morning we did another Bittern and Water rail survey - sadly we didn't hear or see any Bittern but on a positive note we heard four individual Water rail calling. During this survey we also managed to hear Sedge Warbler, Cetti's, and Grasshopper Warbler, and were lucky enough to spot a Whitethroat on the track to Gordon-Taylor. Later this week we'll be doing another Moth trap, Butterfly survey, and Nest box survey, but today we completed the monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS). Across the reserve, through completing WeBS, we managed to see:

Species Total
Wigeon 2
Gadwall 17
Teal 73
Mallard 338
Shoveler 91
Pochard 14
Tufted Duck 20
Shelduck 164
Greylag Goose 39
Canada Goose 69
Moorhen 98
Coot 53
Lapwing 5
Black-tailed Godwit 169
Oystercatcher 15
Avocet 41
Little grebe 1
Great crested grebe 2
Cormorant 6
Grey Heron 1
Black-headed gull 1134
Lesser black-backed gull 8
Great black-backed gull 3
Mute Swan 2
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