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Latest Sightings

This bank holiday weekend has brought us lots of lovely sightings despite the dull weather! We've had cuckoo calling in the reedbed and in the fields past Ron-Barker Hide. Also at this hide, there are a family of Kingfisher, two parents feeding their young in the small pool to the left of the hide - they can be seen on the two protruding branches in the water. Earlier today 3 female Linnet were spotted in the hedgerow leading up to the hide and a Whinchat was also seen! Hopefully later in the week we will have photos of the Kingfishers and Whinchat for you. Additionally, there have been Roe Deer running about, a Little-ringed Plover on the small island on the left marsh, and Swifts flying low on the fields with the cattle. You may notice a few extra calves roaming about the fields now! Our amazing heifer mothers have had some new babies over the past few days. On the main mere, we have two Common Terns nesting, some Greylags have hatched some goslings, Common Sandpiper have been seen feeding, and two male Garganey are swimming around. Out at Woodend Marsh, a Wood Sandpiper was spotted and on our Water rail survey this morning we heard 6 individuals calling in the reedbed. This past week we carried out 3 moth trap surveys, collecting moth species such as an Eyed Hawk Moth (our feature image this week), Swallow Prominent, and Common White Wave! In our Butterfly survey we saw more Holly Blue, our first few Red Admiral, and lots of Small White, Orange Tip, and Brimstone.

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