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Latest Sightings

There are plenty of birds out and about with their young this week - Canada geese, greylag geese, avocets and black-headed gulls have all been seen with their goslings / chicks. Many of the great tit and blue tit eggs in our nest boxes have hatched, with some of the chicks beginning to fledge. Common terns and Mediterranean gulls are currently still nesting on the Mere. A male garganey has been spotted from Gordon Taylor hide, and a Kingfisher has appeared in front of Ron Barker hide. Some of our other birds seen around the reserve include: blackcap, bullfinch, great spotted woodpecker, chiffchaff, dunnock, and swallows.

Our moth trap has been opened every day this week so far, and have given us some very interesting moths. These include: elephant hawk-moth, poplar hawk-moth, eyed-hawkmoth, gold spot, and blood-vein.

The feature photo this week is of a brood of great tit chicks, taken by Colin Milnes.

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