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Latest Sightings

This week at Martin Mere we've had plenty of new-borns on the reserve with Avocet, Black Headed Gull and Mediterranean Gull chicks on the mere islands by the Discovery Hide, as well as numerous ducklings and goslings dotted all over the reserve and grounds to see! We currently have 8 Common Tern pairs nesting on the mere islands too so hopefully there will be more chicks to come. Another sight to see from the discovery hide is our herd of Longhorn cattle which have just been relocated to the fields behind the mere and top mere (seen from the Hale hide). Keep an eye out for our young calves in the herd, there's 11 in total with one more on the way soon! When you're up by the Harrier Hide, make sure to check out our lovely Bee Orchids that have just flowered! There's also plenty of waders to see at the Gordon Taylor Hide too, including Avocet, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Redshank and Little Ringed Plover!

Feature Image of a Blackcap taken by Mark Walters

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