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Latest Sightings

This week we've seen Barn Owls come out of Barns in the bull's field and in Long Meadow (Barn at top of Gordon Taylor track). A lovely Sparrowhawk has been seen flying speedily about searching for prey. There have been some Little-ringed Plovers at Gordon Taylor and Whitethroat in the bramble nearby the hide, pictured in our feature image taken by Jimmy Parker. You may see some signs up next to some interesting plants! These include the Early Marsh Orchid, a purple flower, and a Bee Orchid, which unsurprisingly looks similar to a bee pollinating a flower. In our moth trap we've had loads of Elephant Hawk Moths as well as Blood Vein, Peppered Moth, and Small Emerald.

Upon visiting us you'll be able to spot lots of shelduck chicks who all seem to have suddenly hatched. They're easily recognisable from their white and black markings. These can be seen on the Mere, Woodend Marsh and about the grounds. You may see some Red-legged Partridge running around on the Gordon Taylor track or at Ron-barker and the Cuckoos are still calling across the reserve. Our beautiful Marsh Harriers are circling at Gordon Taylor frequently and the Greater Spotted Woodpecker is popping in to Janet Kear to feed. All the classics are on the feeders: Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Robin, Reed Bunting. The Avocets are still on the Mere sitting on nests and flying to Ron-Barker to feed and the Kingfishers have been seen multiple times at United Utilities, Ron-Barker, Gordon Taylor, and on the canoe safari!

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