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Latest Sightings

We have had 3 cattle egrets, a green sandpiper and a cormorant family spotted from Ron Barker hide. On the Mere, 8 common terns - including one nesting - as well as a massive group of around 30 Canada geese can be seen. The lapwing have had a very productive year with 22 chicks fledging, and our barn owl pairs have been busy collecting food for their young. From United Utilities hide, 2 hobbies and a sparrowhawk have been seen alongside our regular raptors. Several waders can be spotted on Woodend Marsh, including green sandpiper, little ringed plover, oystercatcher and avocet. We've also had regular sightings of a bittern on the Marsh. With the warm weather, it's been a good week for spotting butterflies and dragonflies. Butterfly species such as comma, painted lady, red admiral, small heath, meadow browns, brimstones, peacock and skippers have been seen. Dragonflies including azure and common blue damselflies, four spotted chasers, black-tailed skimmer and banded demoiselles are currently flying about.

This week's feature photo is an oystercatcher.

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