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Latest Sightings

There have been three great crested grebes spotted at Harrier Hide, including one sat on a nest and one juvenile. A great white egret and 2 juvenile grey herons were also seen. Barn owls have been a regular sight at Ron Barker hide, and the cattle egret has made another appearance. The three juvenile marsh harriers are feeding well. Ducklings and goslings of various species (including shelduck, tufted duck, gadwall and shoveler) can be seen all across the site. There are plenty of meadow brown, gatekeeper and red admiral butterflies flying about, as well as several dragonflies and damselflies. Our moth trap has given us elephant hawk-moths, peppered moths, garden tigers, large yellow underwings and a light emerald.

This week's feature photo is of a shelduck and ducklings.

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