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Latest Sightings

The cattle egret has been making regular appearances close to our group of cattle at the back of the Mere. It can be seen from Discovery Hide with binoculars or scopes, but can be viewed up close from Gladstone Hide. A little grebe and several terns are also on the Mere. A kingfisher has been sighted regularly on the canoe safari, and a tawny owlet has been in the trees on the path to Ron Barker Hide.

This week's butterfly survey gave us 93 butterflies from 12 different species, including the red admiral, speckled wood, small tortoiseshell and comma.

This week's feature photo is of a speckled wood butterfly.

North West Bird Watching Festival 2022

Join us at this year’s Bird Watching Festival and watch up to 30,000 pink-footed geese return to the roost. We’ll have guest speakers, exhibitors, photography workshops and guided reserve walks for a full day out from dawn till dusk. Find out more.

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