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Latest Sightings

Today the weather has turned and started to get cooler. We are finishing baling the hay from the 2 fields in the middle of the reserve this can be seen from the ron barker hide, UU and Kingfisher. These fields are called Owl marsh and Outer Vincents. By baling the hay from these fields we are removing the nutrients but still allowing the wildflower seeds to drop out, we'll use the hay over the winter for our herd of English Longhorn cattle. Once the hay has been removed the grass will flush up lush and green in these field which in October will be irresistable to the flocks of pink-footed geese! The mere is also attracting lots of waders at the moment.

Ron Barker
Black-tailed godwits,
Green Sandpiper

Discovery Hide/ The Mere
Black-tailed godwits
Green Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Cattle Egret
10 Longhorn cattle

United Utilities hide, Woodend Marsh, Gordon Taylor
Green Sandpiper,
Black-tailed Godwits
32 Longhorn cattle

Janet Kear
Great-spotted woodpecker

Photo - Black-tailed godwits

North West Bird Watching Festival 2022

Join us at this year’s Bird Watching Festival and watch up to 30,000 pink-footed geese return to the roost. We’ll have guest speakers, exhibitors, photography workshops and guided reserve walks for a full day out from dawn till dusk. Find out more

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