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Latest Sightings

Pink-footed geese numbers are on the rise! Flocks are being seen and heard increasingly frequently on the reserve as they arrive back from Iceland to spend the winter in the UK, having completed their autumn migration. A total of 71 had dropped in in-front of Ron Barker hide this morning and a further 26 lifted up from Woodend Marsh and flew off over the reedbed. Also from Ron Barker this morning, 3 barnacle geese were amongst the pink-feet, 2 adults and a juv. Other wildlfowl of interest on the reserve recently were 2 garganey showing well from Gordon Taylor hide on Sunday, one female-type and an eclipse male.

Autumn wader passage is still going strong, although there has been a noticeably smaller number of black-tailed godwits over the past few days with only 3 from Gordon Taylor hide yesterday evening and 1 from Ron Barker this morning. Ruff numbers passing through the reserve is still remaining relatively high and there is often more juveniles seen than adults. There were three on Woodend Marsh yesterday evening (1 adult, 2 juv) and 10 from Ron Barker this evening (4 adults and 6 juv). Other waders seen have been 3 green sandpipers this morning from Ron Barker, along with and adult dunlin yesterday evening. The star wader yesterday however, was a little stint reported from Ron Barker at around mid-day.

There has also been a notable change in our cattle egret numbers, as the lone individual has now been joined by 3 others, giving a total of 4 that can been seen sat on the back of our longhorn cattle. Best viewed from United Utilities hide. Kingfishers can be seen well over much of the reserve, with a male and female perched together outside Ron Barker this morning and another individual flying along the ditch near Gordon Taylor last night.

A variety of warblers can still be seen on the reserve, with chiffchaff and willow warbler numbers increasing as they pass through, cetti's warblers are singing all over and reed warblers are still hopping around the reedbeds. A willow tit was also seen briefly from Janet Kear yesterday and a juv water rail showed breifly on the pool infront of Janet Kear on Sunday.

A final species of interest seen yesterday was a young peregrine, chasing lapwings in-front of Gordon Taylor yesterday evening.

North West Bird Watching Festival 2022

Join us at this year’s Bird Watching Festival and watch up to 30,000 pink-footed geese return to the roost. We’ll have guest speakers, exhibitors, photography workshops and guided reserve walks for a full day out from dawn till dusk. Find out more

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