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Latest Sightings

Birds on the reserve this past week have remained largely similar to the previous, our most recent whooper swan count was 579, with the best place to view them from being on the main mere from Discovery hide. A few can also be seen now and then from harrier hide and also Ron Barker. Pink-footed goose numbers are low, with just a couple hundred in our last count, they are most often seen flying over the reserve but a small number also hang around the back of the mere.

Pochard numbers are getting into double figures most days and a number are giving great views at Discovery and Riens hide, particularly during our swan feeds. The pochards are joined by the odd tufted duck on the mere, but the best place to see tufted duck (along with gadwall) remains to be from Harrier hide. Small numbers of shoveler are often seen from the viewing screens along the mere and shelduck seem to be all over the reserve at the moment.

Waders are still few and far between but 2 woodcock were flushed from within the captive collection earlier today and the odd snipe can be seen almost anywhere on site.

Cetti's warblers are continuing to sing in the reedbed and water rails are still being heard frequently. The feeders at Janet Kear are attracting lots of finches and tits, along with the odd great spotted woodpecker. Janet Kear is also a great spot to see treecreepers and goldcrests.

Birds of prey continue to be a brilliant sight over much of the reserve, marsh harriers are best seen from harrier hide and Ron Barker, kestrels seem to all over the reserve and barn owls are often seen from united utilites hide and Ron Barker hide. A peregrine has also been seen over the mere in recent days.

We also have our seemingly resident cattle egret who spends much of its time on the backs of our longhorn cows, but can sometimes be seen on the mere as well.

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